Tomorrow isn’t promised….

There are dreams to be fulfilled, relationships to be made or mended, decisions to be taken. But as we try to go through with any of these, certain thoughts tend to bother on us…” Can I do this??”, ” what if I fail??”, “can I remain consistent”,” what If I try and get disappointed” just some of the random thoughts that we face..then fear creeps in and doubt is just a block away coming to join the ” lets screw up with his mind” party..and you say these familiar words..”Maybe not today, I will do it some other time”..indulging yourself in that one terrible habit amongst others..”Procrastination

It is a killer of dreams, harbours regret and brings disappointment. It is a habit a lot of us as humans are guilty of..we find ourselves floating in life, taking on mediocre responsibilities and creating a false sense of security in order to avoid upholding the real deal because you think you can’t handle what is to come or you are not just fit for it. 

It may not be as terrible as drug addiction but  it is sure a blight that should be removed from the human nature. It makes you lazy, disorganized and timid towards pursuing greatness amongst other things. 

You know that saying ” make hay while the sun shines”…it wasnt some high spirited hippie blowing on some trees seeing unicorns and rainbow bridges feeling the need to drop an awesome punchline ( it is a great punch line though). It is basic knowledge expected of us to key into and act on it . 

So I implore you, are you that laid back person, are you so scared that you have become such a drag to even yourself..get off your ass and grow a pair!!! ( he says bluntly). Summon the courage to act on your dreams today. If there is a place you need to be, be there . If there is a decision to be made and acted on, get on it already. Quit second guessing yourself and act now!!! 

Opportunities they say come once…well, not necessarily..there are second chances however they may not be always be golden.

So act now and not later. Time is of the essence, it is so precious and has no regard or patience for man. So go for gold today because tomorrow isn’t promised. 
Have a blessed week guys 🙂

The effective hand drying method, paper towels or hot air dryers; which is better???

Hey guys, so earlier this week I posted a write up on “hand washing”, remember? I bet you do. Well if you didn’t read that, not to worry it’s still very much available and you could check it out. Now I mentioned something about how paper towels are better than air dryers in that post and I bet it may( or may not) have raised some curiosity. If it did, well I hope to clear that up with this post so hang in there:). 
As large as 80 per cent of  common infectious diseases are spread by our hands and effective hand washing remains our best defense.Thus, it is a process and has its components which makes it whole. Hand drying is one of those components and it completes the process. 

Proper hand drying is a very essential part of hand washing. This is because the spread of bacteria is more likely to occur on wet skin than on dry skin. As such, when we don’t dry our hands properly, the water residue on our hands tend to retain some bacteria and even encourage their growth and spread.

Over the years, there have been arguments on which method is better ; paper towels or air dryers and numerous studies have been done to figure this out. So far a majority of them have concluded with the same result which is paper towels are superior and more effective than air dryers. Here is why :

From a hygiene viewpoint, a single use disposable paper towel improves hand hygiene adhenrence compared to air dryers.

When it comes to drying efficiency, paper towels can achieve 90 per cent or more dryness compared to air dryers.

Paper towels are more efficient in the removal of bacteria from the hands through friction which is the key component in hand drying as it helps remove contamination. microbiological testing of paper towel after use have shown that the bacteria are transferred from the hands to the paper towel.

Every time a toilet is flushed, a fine aersol mist is discharged in the air. This mist may contain many types of faecal bacteria which can cause diseases.
Air movement encourages the dispersal and transmission of bacteria and also increase the chances of cross contamination. 

As a result, used hand dryers in restrooms are often contaminated and can emit bacteria in their air flow there by putting the person standing in front of it at risk of acquiring the bacteria dispersed into the air current towards them. The bacteria can be inhaled or deposited on the person’s clothes or body making he or she a potential source of infection.

Also most air dryers in restrooms allow for only one person at a time and each person could take up to a minute to dry his or her hands. This is not convinient and it could lead to avoidance or incomplete drying of hands.

There are still people who think otherwise about paper towels and air dryers but this few reasons I believe have been able to buttress why paper towels are superior. 

sincerely,i never cared much for which was most effective before and I bet a lot of us didn’t either but finding out about this was enlightening ( I hope it is to you too) and I had that ” huh, well I will damned” look on my face . Our health is important and no information with regards to it is irrelevant. 

So as much as you may enjoy the feel of hot air blowing down your hands when next you visit a public rest room, I suggest you go for a paper towel instead because the air dryers do more harm than good. 

Have a blessed day guys!!! 🙂

Wash your hands!!! It ain’t illegal yet…

Hey guys, hope you had a great weekend? Mine was exhilarating, it was comic con on Saturday and the event was just awesome. So many great talents and the geeks ( sigh*)…I felt at home:), lol. Alright, enough about my weekend, let’s get real for abit.  

So I remember in 2014 when we had the first Ebola incidence in Nigeria. It was a pretty uncomfortable period for Nigerians. It felt like an alien race had just invaded the country seeking human bodies as hosts for survival. Every person was a “usual suspect” and the paranoia was crazy but expected. 

People suddenly became very cautious of who they had associated with, what they had eaten and even where they had been. Let’s not even talk about people who use the public transport system ( which is a ridiculously large percentage of people!!!). I bet alot of persons wished there was a “hyperdrive or light speed activation button” so they could get to their destination on time and be away from ” people” ( which was somewhat a misery at that time). 

Proper hygiene was the talk of the day and hand sanitizers were ” gold”. Those who sold them were chilling on yachts and five star hotels ( ok, I am just exaggerating but they made some really good cash though…lol).

A lot of awareness programs and campaigns were organised to educate people on how to prevent and protect themselves from the disease. I was fortunate to be involved in some of them and a lot of emphasis were made on one very simple act …” Hand washing“.

You are probably wondering, why the Ebola gist? Well, Ebola is a really creepy , dangerous and very infectious disease that has claimed the lives of many and just like Ebola, there are other deadly infectious diseases. The organisms responsible for such diseases get into the human body when we come in contact with contaminated surfaces or infected persons and the most likely part of the body to harbour such organisms are the hands. That is why emphasis are made on hand washing as a preventive measure in many of these infectious diseases like Ebola. 

My point is, if a simple act such as hand washing can help prevent such a devastating plague, I believe we can acknowledge it’s importance in keeping us healthy and alive.

The neccesity of hand washing is no new knowledge to us. However, many people are yet to make it a habit and even some of those who try do not do it properly ( yes, there is a procedure to it).

 A study was carried out in 2013 by researchers from Michigan state university. The study was based on an observation of 3,749 people using public rest rooms.

 According to the lead investigator of the study Carl Borchgrevink, the findings of the study showed that only 5 per cent of people washed their hands well enough to kill the germs that could cause infections. 33 per cent of the people didn’t use soap to wash their hands and 10 per cent didn’t wash their hands at all. According to the findings also , men were particularly bad at washing their hands ( nice going guys😒). Pretty lousy result huh, just when you think people remember mum’s reoccurring advice on washing hands after using the restroom well they don’t. 

Everyday we engage in various activities, visit different places and associate with different is important to keep in mind that germs are inevitable organisms that we come in contact with directly or indirectly ( except you from the 40th century where there are germ free force fields and teleportation is trendy…wouldn’t be bad if that was real, lol) and our hands are the most likely part of the body these germs tend to latch on because we make alot of contact with them ( like I said earlier). That is why hand washing is a very essential part of good personal hygiene.

According to the Center for Disease Control and prevention(CDC), hand washing is the single most effective way of preventing infectious diseases. Failing to wash hands has contributed to 50 per cent of all food borne illnesses outbreaks. 

So we see that as simple as the act may seem it does contribute a great deal to living a healthy lifestyle and it should be taken seriously.

How do you wash your hands?

How to wash your hands by the labourers Health and Safety Funds of North America ( LHSFNA).

It takes about 15 to 20seconds to properly wash your hands with soap and water to kill off germs. The study I mentioned earlier found out that most people washed their hands in 6 seconds which is totally off. Here is a brief illustrations on how to wash your hands properly; 

  • Wet your hands with water ( cold or warm), turn off the tap and apply soap
  • Lather your hands by rubbing them together with soap. Ensure that it gets to the back of your hands, between your fingers and under your nails.
  • Scrub your hands thoroughly for 2oseconds ( hum the birthday song, it’s a great timer:)). 
  • Rinse yours hands for properly and clean
  • Dry Your hands with a clean towel or air dry them ( note: though air dryers are cool, paper towels do a more effective job at drying the hand of all water residue and also reduces the amount of bacteria found on the hand).

    When do you wash your hands?

    • Before,during and after preparing food.
    • After using the toilet
    • Before and after treating an injury or wound
    • Before and after caring for a sick person
    • After blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing
    • After handling garbage
    • After changing diapers or cleaning up a baby who just used the toilet
    • After touching animals 
    • After handling animal feed
    • After handling chemicals or dangerous substances 

      We cannot accurately account for where our hands have been everyday and this makes us susceptible to germs and diseases. This is why hand hygiene is a very important part of a healthy lifestyle. Like I said earlier, it is no new knowledge but it is important to be reminded of its value to life. So i implore us to adopt the habit if you haven’t been doing it so much or well either because frankly ” clean hands save lives”. Have a blessed week guys :), ciao!!!

      Hello world!!!

      Hey everyone!!  Pretty excited about this new hobby I just picked up ( blogging). You know, I still tell myself ” err.. dude, you didn’t see this coming” lol. I mean I did think about it but never actually thought I was going to go through with it. After reoccurring thoughts about it and procrastinations, oh well here I am :). 

      So I decided to I use my first post to introduce myself. My name is ; Emeke Molokwu and I am a health educator. I love to dance ( I do have really happy feets), love me some movies and CARTOONS!!( oh yeah just a quick heads up, I love to use movie and cartoon references in my conversations so you might be seeing a lot of those in my posts…Lol, that’s just me).  I love conversations and I have been called a “chatter box”😒 because I apparently always have a bunch to say. I do have a good sense of humour which I bet you must have picked on, I am a knowledge seeker and pretty much a cool dude. 

      Why blogging? I always felt the need to share the knowledge I have through enlightenment. It gives me great joy when I am able to bring out the best in people by reaching out to them and blogs are really cool platforms to achieve such.

      “Just a concerned earthling” 

      What? Weird name? Well weird is good :), this is a health blog that would be focused on general health and wellness topics. I am very passionate about health promotion and I have decided to use this platform to encourage it. 

      Health is a phenomenon that can never be over emphasized. Our survival depends on it and as such it is important that we engage in various positive activities to help encourage and maintain a good healthy status. Reading informations that could promote health is one important way to achieve that. 

      Also I get to drift away from the norm ( which is health) and talk about morals and inspiring topics. I like to call them ” life boosters”. 

      So as the posts come rolling in, I hope to make you laugh, enlighten you and make you become better versions of yourselves. So hold on to your boots!!!